Chopin’s Revolucióné Étude Opus 10 No. 12

April 15, 2018

New take

4/15 at home practice piano. Need to tune my regular piano but still don’t have a tuning tool; what are they called? Ah but anyway I do so love learning Chopin’s music.

MusiCureSanity Sunday.


eLi gARF, piaNOwarist

Day 20,423

April 15, 2018

Testing out the LIMOR app I just signed up on. A bit of Chopin

Ending of Finale from Chopin’s b minor sonata opus 58

Chopin Opus 10 No12 Revolucióné

April 9, 2018

Does the embed code work here?

Check out

March 11, 2018

There’s a new form of communication tools becoming available across social media platforms… The ability to share audio clips instead of text comments And basically communicate like it’s a live radio show which uses way less band with then doing live videos. Facebook has instituted this, but by far the most exciting way I’ve found to share information and entertainment and news is through the podcasting service called Anchor.

Please check out

Anybody can start their own radio channel, or basically radio station for free and share information and entertainment…

On a somewhat related note, I didn’t know what RSS stands for or how to use it, so my wise brother explained it to me as follows:

RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication.  It’s an open internet standard invented by Dave Winer who is a very interesting guy to follow on Twitter (@davewiner) or on his blog via RSS 😉 where he keeps up the good fight for the Open Internet.

Basically, it is a data format and tools so that, say, when you add a podcast episode or a blog post, you add an entry and different tools can “subscribe” to your feed and thus discover that the new post or pod is up.

I haven’t use my blog many years, but I’m glad to be back and hope to connect with people. Please feel free to contact me here or by my email: or I’m also available on YouTube and Facebook and with the same username.

Happy podcasting and broadcasting and be logging and blogging. May the great people of this world band together to write the wrongs and make the world a better place every single miraculous day we live.


eLi gARF, PiaNOwarist

saying hello 9/23/11

September 23, 2011

bottles the min

sep23 vLog

September 23, 2011

this is great
apparently I can upload a video directly to this blog which I can’t do on you,Facebook, or twitter.

here goes nothing…

December 18, 2009



watch on youTube for besTrajectory

imp rov

November 22, 2009

imp rov

i’ll be doing more here soon…

stay tuned!

August 4, 2009

en ig am i RE:imagine

imagine 2

August 4, 2009

en ig am i RE:imagine

one of 2